Puppy 101

Puppy 101 is appropriate for puppies of 2-4 months of age. As puppy development is a special interest of our Training Director, we want to make sure that we’re offering age appropriate content. The very tiny guys with puppy brain are like little sponges and we want to help them soak up as much socialisation as they can, safely! This doesn’t stop at socialising with other puppies, and in this class we’re highlighting all of the other areas they could benefit from some exposure to! Very young puppies are absolutely capable of learning some cues, however we also want to set them up for success early by teaching them how to take treats gently, tolerate handling/grooming, condition against natural inclinations such as resource guarding, and more - which makes Puppy 101 the best place to start.

  • $35 per ticket

  • One ticket provides you with a link to the appropriate Puppy class at the time of your choosing

  • Puppy 101 is broken into approximately 45 minutes of active learning to accommodate for puppy brain and 15 minutes of structured mental/potty breaks, for a total of one hour 

  • A summary of class, homework, and troubleshooting tips

  • Out of class troubleshooting support - our team is here to support you!

  • Resources on potty training and other age appropriate topics




Obedience 101